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Welcome to the Test Site.
If this is your first visit to Test Site then please be sure to check out the FAQ. We have a lot of information in there that will be useful on this site. In particular, check out our BitTorrent Help section and our Band Restriction Policy. If you have questions, you should visit our Technobabble forum.

You need to register before you can post in our forums or download anything.

Site Information       Mission Statement       Donations

Site Information
  • Show / Hide 2009-01-24 - New TTD Features - vBulletin software upgrade

    Most of you probably noticed that we have upgraded the software on our site. This upgrade came with many new 'social' features which some of you may or may not like. I've tried to list many of them in our New TTD Features thread. I've included instructions on how to turn off some of the new profile features. I've also included instructions on how to enjoy some of the new features such as the Social Groups. I've seen a couple of music/band related groups start up. If you have any questions about these features, please post in the Site Announcements & Suggestions forum and I'll try to answer your questions.

  • Show / Hide 2008-09-15 - High Definition Video Uploads Now Allowed
  • Show / Hide 2008-08-12 - Critical Vulnerability Discovered in uTorrent
  • Show / Hide 2008-05-21 - XTorrent and Earlier Versions of Transmission Banned
  • Show / Hide 2008-01-18 - Attention uTorrent and Bittorrent users!
  • Show / Hide 2007-12-17 - You must be logged in to view the torrent threads
  • Show / Hide 2007-10-24 - BitTorrent (Mainline) version 5.0 Banned
  • Show / Hide 2007-04-14 - Pruning Accounts Inactive for over Six Months

Mission Statement
Welcome to The Traders' Den. We, the administrators, will be familiar faces to some, and new to others. Each of us have been involved in various trading communities for many years, and many have worked together on other trading sites. We have come together to create an online trading site with an entirely new ideology. This site will be geared towards a certain kind of collector: those who feel quality and integrity are important. Our policies will seem demanding to many users, but we have witnessed the decline in overall quality in many other trading circles due to lax restrictions. We offer a safe haven for traders frustrated with the dilution of quality in the trading pool, as well as our combined experience and devotion to helping new users enter an elite trading community.

Please read the seeding rules, FAQs, and linked tutorials for more information as to how we are employing our ideals to better serve traders of all music tastes. If there are any questions, comments, or ways we can help make the experience more rewarding, please don't hesitate to post in our forums or message one of us.

Quality is not an option in the seeds here, it will be the standard.

The Trader's Den Staff

Our Donations page is located here. On that page we keep a running total of all our site costs so you can see how much it costs for us to run this site.

10 Latest Torrents/Threads/Social Groups    (List of All Torrents)    (List of All Audio Torrents)    (List of All Video Torrents)
Test Site Statistics
Test Site Statistics
Threads: 50,855, Posts: 810,665, Members: 79,427, Active Members: 0
Welcome to our newest member, powerpc

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